Meet Sarah Thomas

We’re delighted to introduce Associate Solicitor Sarah Thomas, who joined the Butcher & Barlow team in July. Sarah is a Family Law specialist, based at our Frodsham office, and brings with her 25 years of experience and a passion for helping people through challenging times. In this interview, Sarah shares her journey into law, career highlights, and even a few personal quirks.

Hello Sarah. Now you’ve had time to settle in we would like to take the opportunity to get to know a little more about you. We’ll start with that question we ask all our Lawyers – what made you want to work in the legal profession?

When I was young, I used to watch a show called LA Law. I was completely in awe of the lawyers who were so smart, sophisticated, and always seemed to be driving fancy cars around Los Angeles in their sharp suits. I decided right then that it was the career for me! I even applied to go to an American university, but in the end, the pull of family was too great, and I couldn’t leave.

LA Law seems to have sucked many people in to wanting to become a lawyer! I expect your typical working day is not quite what was portrayed on screen!

Ha, no not particularly! When I get to the office and log in, I check my diary to see what’s planned for the day. Next, I’ll go through my emails to make sure nothing urgent has cropped up overnight. If there’s nothing that requires my immediate attention, I’ll start working through my cases, returning calls when necessary and ensuring I’m meeting deadlines set by the Court. Most of our work is now conducted via email, so responding to emails takes up a large part of my day. There is no driving around in fancy cars!

Going back to the start of your career, do you remember the first time you were up before a Judge?

Yes, it was on a civil matter in Dudley County Court, and I was absolutely terrified. I was shaking so much that I couldn’t hold my pen still to write down what the Judge was saying to me. The Judge noticed and was really lovely to me, which helped settle my nerves.

What has been your career highlight so far?

A particularly rewarding case stands out. I represented a client who had gone through a horrific time with the child’s other parent, who had committed a serious offence. I acted for her for six years regarding an application for him to see their son. Twelve years later, I ran into them casually with the son, who was 20 by then, and saw what a fantastic young man he had become. It was a proud moment, though it made me feel very old!

I love being able to help people through really difficult periods in their lives. It’s incredibly rewarding, and I hope to continue doing this for as long as I can.

What is your standout positive memory from your career so far?

Qualifying as a Solicitor is my standout moment. I dreamt for so long about doing this job and had to fight to get a training contract. To finally get through all that and qualify was an incredible moment for me.

And any unusual or quirky experiences you can share?

Whilst so many Family Law cases involve a lot of sadness and trauma, there are always a few that pop up which make you chuckle! I once had a client who married and divorced the same person four times—on the same grounds each time. I’ve also had a client change their name by deed poll to a name that essentially meant “tree”!

How do you switch off at the end of a busy day?

I’m a big fan of the gym and enjoy reading whenever I get the chance. But most importantly, I love spending time with my family. They are the most important thing to me, and I believe it’s crucial to appreciate every moment you have with them.

We’re going to fire some quickfire questions at you now!

If you could be someone (or something) else for a day, who or what would it be?

I’d love to be my whippet! Then I could have the laziest day ever.

Who do you admire in the business world?

Sara Davies from Crafter’s Companion. She saw a gap in the market with a simple idea and turned it into a multi-million-pound company. She’s managed to stay down-to-earth and doesn’t take herself too seriously—qualities I admire.

If money was no object, how would you spend your day?

I’d love to help animals and finally finish renovating my house!

You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What colour would you be and why?

I’d be a shade of yellow because I like to look on the lighter, brighter side of life.

If you could travel anywhere, where would it be and why?

Kefalonia, every time! It’s where I had my first holiday with my husband, where we got married, and it holds such special memories for us.

How would your friends describe you?

Funny, forgetful, and never stops talking!

Can you tell us an interesting fact about yourself that not many people would know?

I unwind by drawing cartoon characters.

Thank you Sarah – you survived the quick fire round!

Finally, as we have welcomed a number of new young lawyers in to the Team recently, if you could tell your 15-year-old self something, what would it be?

Stop caring about what people think of you. If they have a problem with you, it’s their problem, not yours. Live your life the way you want to live it, not in a way that you think will please others. And remember, everyone just wants to be happy—everything we do is to achieve that.

And what key life skills have you learnt over your time as a lawyer that you would pass on to a graduate just starting out?

Remember that you are dealing with people. As a Family Solicitor, regardless of how big or small the problem may seem to you, to the client it is possibly the worst thing they are going through, and they deserve to be treated with compassion and empathy. Also, have patience and learn to truly listen to your clients. It sounds obvious, but not everyone really listens when being spoken to.

Thank you Sarah for taking the time to speak with us.  We are delighted to have you on board.

 Sarah can be contacted on 01928 733 871 or email